Networking - Yaritz Consulting: The Consultation Company  

Below are each of the different network services we offer.


Subnetting and supernetting are used when you know how many servers you will have in a location,  These can be divided geographically or by roles.  More information on subnetting can be found here.


The Internet cannot exist with routers and network segmentation.  The Internet is nothing more than a large group of networks combined with millions of routers.  Network segments cannot talk to each other without a router.  Routers work by broadcasting networks locations and pointing network packets down particular pipes.  Information on routers can be found here.


Filtering is a common practise today.  Filtering can be easily accomplished using a firewall and filtering software, however, we believe that filtering is more than just blocking locations.  Filtering also entails the removal of unwanted content.  When filtering, it is wise to have a dynamic filter.  The harmful and unwanted content is always changing locations, which can be changing as fast as in the milliseconds.  More information on the different types of filters can be found here.


We are experienced in troubleshooting networking problems, including, but not limited to: layer1 (cabling: ethernet, fiber, FXS), layer 2 (IP, ATM, T1, FDDI,...), or layer 3 (routing, TCP,...).

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